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Outfox The Inbox

BY Laurie Hileman

Inboxes are out.

Can you blame us? Our devices are flooded with email, ads, and offers on an hourly basis. It’s no wonder we’re reaching for (or swiping) the delete button faster than we can say “no, thanks.”

When results matter, savvy marketers are finding old-fashioned direct mail to be the “new” thing. A well-targeted, uniquely crafted piece in the hands of prospects delivers a sensory experience unmatched by any electronic form.

Simply put, mail is an experience readers remember. Studies show direct mail and tangible advertisements create an emotional connection in the brain.* And with data from the U.S. Postal Service showing that 98 percent of Americans check their mail daily**, messages in those trusty mailboxes get noticed.

In today’s digital age, consumers place a premium on print communications. Use it to your advantage with a direct mail campaign that sets your business apart.






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